
These Terms of Use (“Terms”) is a legal agreement between you and FusRock to manage your use of this website as a visitor, content contributor or registered user. The above terms should be followed when using or accessing this website and publishing information to it, so please read these terms carefully before using this website. If you violate the terms or policies published on this website, including these terms in this article, or for any reason, if you violate the relevant regulations at any time, FusRock reserves the right to restrict or terminate your right to access this website, or terminate or suspend your registration. Accessing and using this website in any form is deemed to agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not fully agree to all the terms, please do not use this website or post any information in it.
这些使用条款(“条款”)是您与 FusRock 之间的法律协议,用于管理您作为访问者、内容贡献者或注册用户对本网站的使用。使用或访问本网站以及向本网站发布信息时应遵守上述条款,因此请在使用本网站之前仔细阅读这些条款。如果您违反本网站公布的条款或政策,包括本文中的这些条款,或由于任何原因,您随时违反相关规定,FusRock保留限制或终止您访问本网站的权利,或终止或暂停您的注册。以任何形式访问和使用本网站即视为同意受这些条款的约束。如果您不完全同意所有条款,请不要使用本网站或在其中发布任何信息。

Revision of terms 条款修订

FusRock may change, revise, update, add or delete any part of these terms at any time. Please check whether these terms have changed regularly. After the changes are published, if you continue to use this website, it means that you have accepted these changes.

Changes to the website 网站变更

In order to continuously improve the practicality of this website, we may add other services or make adjustments to existing services. If FusRock makes such changes, these terms will still apply to new services or any modifications to existing services.
为了不断提高本网站的实用性,我们可能会增加其他服务或对现有服务进行调整。如果 FusRock 做出此类更改,这些条款仍然适用于新服务或对现有服务的任何修改。

User information

When you want to use a specific area of this website, you will be asked to provide personal information, such as name, email address, password, city, province, zip code, etc. The confidentiality of account information (including passwords) and any and all activities that occur under your account are entirely your responsibility. You agree to notify FusRock immediately in case of unauthorized use of your account or password or other security issues. You are responsible for any losses caused to FusRock or any other users or visitors to the website by other people using your FusRock ID, password or account. At any time, you cannot use such FusRock ID, password or account without the express permission and consent of the FusRock ID, password or account owner. FusRock cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your failure to fulfill the above obligations.
当您想使用本网站的特定区域时,您将被要求提供个人信息,例如姓名、电子邮件地址、密码、城市、省份、邮政编码等。帐户信息(包括密码)和任何信息的保密性您帐户下发生的所有活动均由您承担全部责任。您同意如果您的账户或密码遭到未经授权的使用或出现其他安全问题,请立即通知FusRock。对于其他人使用您的 FusRock ID、密码或帐户给 FusRock 或任何其他用户或网站访问者造成的任何损失,您应承担责任。在任何时候,未经FusRock ID、密码或账户所有者的明确许可和同意,您不得使用该FusRock ID、密码或账户。 FusRock不能也不会对因您未能履行上述义务而造成的任何损失或损害承担责任。

Privacy Policy 隐私政策

FusRock respects your privacy rights and will protect the personal information you provide to us. For the privacy policy of FusRock, please refer to https://www.fusrock.cn/index.php/privacy-policy. By using this website, you agree to the terms of our privacy policy. FusRock has certain security measures to prevent the loss, misuse and change of information controlled by FusRock. These security measures have been detailed in our privacy policy. Although FusRock has taken the steps described in the privacy policy to ensure that your personal information is only transmitted and disclosed in the manner described in the privacy policy, FusRock cannot guarantee that the personal information you provide will not be intercepted and cracked by others.
FusRock尊重您的隐私权,并将保护您向我们提供的个人信息。 FusRock的隐私政策请参见https://www.fusrock.cn/index.php/privacy-policy。使用本网站即表示您同意我们的隐私政策的条款。 FusRock有一定的安全措施来防止FusRock控制的信息丢失、误用和更改。这些安全措施已在我们的隐私政策中详细说明。尽管FusRock已采取隐私政策中所述的步骤来确保您的个人信息仅以隐私政策中所述的方式传输和披露,但FusRock不能保证您提供的个人信息不会被他人拦截和破解。

Support forums, blogs and ratings and comments

FusRock sets up support forums, blogs, communities and discussion groups so that you can share your experience, ask and/or answer questions, share your views on FusRock products and services, etc. (these forums, blogs, etc. are collectively referred to as “virtual communities”). We hope that the FusRock virtual community can reflect the diversity of users and look forward to it becoming a popular place for sharing, learning and communication. In order to practice this community spirit, we have formulated a set of core principles and guidelines in English, which all members, participants, content contributors and users of the community must consciously abide by. The above principles are also included in the scope of this clause.


All texts, graphics, user or visual interfaces, trademarks, logos, music, sounds, artworks, photos and computer codes (“content”) in the “website”, including but not limited to design, structure, selection, coordination and expression, “appearance and feel” and the arrangement of such “content” belong to Fus. Owned by Rock, controlled by FusRock and authorized by FusRock. All such contents are protected by commodity packaging, copyright, patent and trademark laws, as well as various other intellectual property and anti-unfair competition laws. Unless there are other applicable agreements for specific content (e.g., software license agreement, terms of service, etc.), we only grant you limited rights to use the content, and you should fulfill the corresponding terms when using it and use such content only for personal non-commercial information purposes. Unless expressly allowed by the applicable agreement or content itself, no content may be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means (including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means) without the prior written consent of FusRock and/or the corresponding owner. , reprint, download, display, post or transmit. In addition, you may not copy any content on this website or other servers by mirroring without the prior written consent of FusRock.
“网站”中的所有文本、图形、用户或视觉界面、商标、徽标、音乐、声音、艺术品、照片和计算机代码(“内容”),包括但不限于设计、结构、选择、协调和表达, “外观和感觉”以及这种“内容”的安排属于Fus。由Rock拥有,由FusRock控制,由FusRock授权。所有此类内容均受商品包装法、版权法、专利法和商标法以及各种其他知识产权法和反不正当竞争法的保护。除非针对特定内容有其他适用的协议(例如软件许可协议、服务条款等),我们仅授予您有限的使用该内容的权利,您在使用该内容时应遵守相应的条款并仅使用该内容用于个人非商业信息目的。除非适用的协议或内容本身明确允许,未经本公司事先书面同意,不得以任何形式或任何手段(包括但不限于电子、机械、影印、录音或其他手段)复印、复制或分发任何内容。 FusRock 和/或相应的所有者。 、转载、下载、展示、张贴或传送。此外,未经FusRock事先书面同意,您不得以镜像方式复制本网站或其他服务器上的任何内容。

User content release 用户内容发布

Specific areas of this website may allow you to publish content including experiences, opinions, suggestions, information, messages or other materials (“user content”). Please note that these areas are public and will not be kept confidential. You have the right to post user content in the public area, and you can only publish it in that area. You are not allowed to post any content that violates these terms or infringes the rights of any third party. FusRock has no ownership of any user content you publish. However, after you post user content in the public area of the website, you grant FusRock, FusRock’s affiliates, partners and distributors to use, copy, display, execute, distribute, modify and create derivatives through any media and in any way for free, permanently and irrevocable. The permission to create works, license others to use and promote user content, and the permission to use and authorize others to use your name, portrait, personal introduction, voice, video and photo (if applicable) for the purpose of linking the content you posted with yourself. In addition to user content, we also encourage you to provide us with feedback. You should agree that we use all comments, suggestions, opinions, complaints and other feedback you provide about this website, FusRock’s products and/or services in any way and without restriction, and agree that FusRock has any intellectual property rights formed based on or on the basis of feedback. .
本网站的特定区域可能允许您发布内容,包括经验、意见、建议、信息、消息或其他材料(“用户内容”)。请注意,这些区域是公开的,不会保密。您有权在公共区域发布用户内容,并且您只能在该区域发布。您不得发布任何违反这些条款或侵犯任何第三方权利的内容。 FusRock 对您发布的任何用户内容没有所有权。然而,当您在网站公共区域发布用户内容后,您授予FusRock、FusRock的关联公司、合作伙伴和分销商通过任何媒体和以任何方式免费使用、复制、展示、执行、分发、修改和创建衍生品的权利,永久且不可撤销。创作作品、许可他人使用和推广用户内容的许可,以及为链接您的内容而使用和授权他人使用您的姓名、肖像、个人介绍、声音、视频和照片(如适用)的许可与自己一起发布。除了用户内容之外,我们还鼓励您向我们提供反馈。您应同意我们以任何方式且不受限制地使用您提供的有关本网站、FusRock产品和/或服务的所有评论、建议、意见、投诉和其他反馈,并同意FusRock拥有基于或基于其形成的任何知识产权。反馈的基础。 。

Illegal or illegal use is prohibited.

When using this website, do not do the following:

  • Restrict or prohibit any other users from using this website and enjoying the services of this website
  • Post or transmit any illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, slanderous, racial discrimination, sexist, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, threatening, abusive, insulting or any other type of insulting information
  • Post or transmit any information that can constitute a crime, lead to civil liability, constitute unauthorized professional services and other acts, or post or transmit any information that can induce others to constitute such acts, or violate any, provincial, domestic or foreign laws, including but not limited to U.S. export control laws and regulations.
  • Use the “FusRock” name, domain name, trademark, logo or badge in your username or nickname, or any other way to imply that you cooperate with FusRock or are associated with FusRock.
  • Impersonate the identity of another person or their agent, or imitate any other person or entity
  • Infringement of privacy or violation of any personal rights or exclusive rights of any individual or entity
  • Post or transmit any advertisements, abets, chain letters, pyramids or bons scams, investment opportunities or plans or other unsolicited commercial communications (unless expressly agreed by FusRock), or participate in spam, phishing or denial-of-service attacks.
    发布或传输任何广告、教唆、连锁信、传销或奖金诈骗、投资机会或计划或其他未经请求的商业通信(除非 FusRock 明确同意),或参与垃圾邮件、网络钓鱼或拒绝服务攻击。
  • Post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or use any information, software or other materials obtained from this website in any way for commercial purposes (except as expressly authorized by the provider of such information, software or other materials)
  • Use this website to bring traffic to other websites
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights or similar rights, including but not limited to the copyright, trademark and patent of any individual or entity
  • Upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce or distribute copyrighted information, software or other materials obtained from this website in any form without the permission of the copyright holder or the right holder, or make derivative creations on such materials.
  • Upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute any component of this website itself or make any derivative creation in the parts described herein without the written permission of FusRock (this website is protected by international copyright law)
  • Implement any operation that will cause an unreasonable or disproportionate load on the infrastructure of this website or the FusRock system or network, or any system or network connected to this website or FusRock.
  • Cover up the source of any messages or transmissions you send to FusRock on this website or through this website and the services provided by forging titles (heading titles) or tampering with identifiers.
  • Use any robot, spider program, screen capture program or other automatic means to access this website or service from any destination without our express written permission; however, this provision does not apply to the indexing or updating of search engines.
  • Post or transmit any information or software containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other harmful content
  • Post or transmit any information, file or software containing the following harmful software programs or program elements (but not limited to): viruses, Trojan horses, worms, malicious advertisements, spyware, criminal software, online graffiti programs, implant programs, rootkits, keyloggers, automatic programs, etc.

Links to third-party websites and services

In order to provide you with more comprehensive and practical resources, this website may contain links to third-party websites, but these links are not under FusRock’s control. FusRock is not responsible for the content or products in any linked website, or any linked content or products contained in the linked website, or any changes or updates to such sites. FusRock provides these links only for the convenience of users. The addition of these links does not mean that FusRock approves, guarantees or is responsible for the content or products on such third-party websites.
为了向您提供更全面、更实用的资源,本网站可能包含第三方网站的链接,但这些链接不受FusRock的控制。 FusRock 对任何链接网站中的内容或产品、或链接网站中包含的任何链接内容或产品、或此类网站的任何更改或更新不承担任何责任。 FusRock 提供这些链接仅为了方便用户。添加这些链接并不意味着FusRock认可、保证或对该等第三方网站上的内容或产品负责。

When using this website, you may find services, products, quotations and promotions provided by third parties, which are not provided by FusRock. If you decide to use third-party services or products, you shall be responsible for checking and understanding the relevant terms of any third-party services or products. You agree that a third party, not FusRock, should be responsible for the performance of third-party services or products. For example, FusRock uses YouTube as a hosting platform for our videos, so you must comply with the YouTube Terms of Service (https://www.bilibili.com/t/terms), including Google Privacy Policy (https://www.google.com/policies/privacy).
使用本网站时,您可能会发现第三方提供的服务、产品、报价和促销,这些并非由FusRock提供。如果您决定使用第三方服务或产品,您有责任查阅并了解第三方服务或产品的相关条款。您同意由第三方(而非 FusRock)对第三方服务或产品的性能负责。例如,FusRock 使用 bilibili 作为我们视频的托管平台,因此您必须遵守 YouTube 服务条款 (https://www.bilibili.com/t/terms),包括 Google 隐私政策 (https://www .google.com/policies/privacy)。

No supervisory responsibility

FusRock has the right to supervise and/or delete the content provided by other parties on the website, but this is not our obligation to fulfill. Although we will supervise the relevance of some communities and other areas, we are not obliged to pre-examine any content and are not responsible for the posting of such content. We reserve the right to refuse to post, edit submitted content and delete content for any reason. At the same time, FusRock is not responsible for any delay in failing to delete content or deleting operations.

Copyright infringement complaint process

FusRock respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your copyrighted works have been copied and accessed on the website and have constituted infringement, please contact us and inform us of such possible infringements. When contacting us, please provide the following information to the copyright agency of FusRock:

  • A complete description of copyrighted works or other intellectual property rights that you believe have been infringed
  • Electronic signatures or actual signatures provided by authorized representatives of copyright or other intellectual property owners
  • Description of the specific content of the website that claims to constitute infringement
  • Your name, address, phone number and email address
  • A statement provided by you indicating that you are convinced that the disputed use has not been authorized by the copyright owner, its agency or relevant laws.
  • A statement signed by you shall confirm the accuracy of the information in the above notice under the terms of perjury and indicate that you are the owner of the copyright or intellectual property right, or have been authorized to represent the owner of the copyright or intellectual property. 

FusRock can be contacted in the following ways:

Email: [email protected]

We will not reply to inquiries unrelated to infringement complaints.


Unless otherwise expressly specified, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the website itself and all materials, information, records, opinions or services contained or linked to the website are provided on the principle of “as is” and “available” without any type of guarantee, and FusRock and FusRoc K’s suppliers, third-party service providers and partners (hereinafter referred to as the “suppliers”) hereby expressly refuse to provide any form of express or implied warranty, including but not limited to implied merchantability guarantee, suitability guarantee for specific purpose, non-infringement guarantee and interest guarantee. FusRock does not object to or endorse the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of any suggestions, opinions, statements or other information displayed, uploaded or disseminated through this website. FusRock and its suppliers do not guarantee that this website will meet your requirements and expectations; access to any information, records, opinions or services linked to the website itself will not be interrupted, timely, safe and error-free; the results obtained through such use are accurate or reliable, or can Meet your needs. FusRock cannot guarantee that any files or other data you download from this website are fe of various viruses, malware, Trojan horses, worms, malicious advertisements, spyware, criminal software, online graffiti programs, implant programs, rootkits, keyloggers, automatic programs or other harmful software programs. Sequence or program part. In addition, FusRock is not responsible for any third-party service providers or partners (whether entity or network). Any oral or written information received or obtained by FusRock and its suppliers will not affect this disclaimer. Some laws do not allow such restrictions, and the above restrictions may not apply in your jurisdiction at this time.
除非另有明确规定,在法律允许的最大范围内,网站本身以及网站包含或链接的所有材料、信息、记录、意见或服务均按“按原样”和“可用”的原则提供,不带任何类型FusRock 和 FusRoc K 的供应商、第三方服务提供商和合作伙伴(以下简称“供应商”)特此明确拒绝提供任何形式的明示或默示保证,包括但不限于默示的适销性保证、适用性保证特定用途担保、不侵权担保、利息担保。 FusRock不反对或认可通过本网站展示、上传或传播的任何建议、意见、陈述或其他信息的准确性、及时性或可靠性。 FusRock及其供应商不保证本网站一定能满足您的要求和期望;对与网站本身链接的任何信息、记录、意见或服务的访问不会中断、及时、安全且无错误;通过此类使用获得的结果是准确或可靠的,或者可以满足您的需求。 FusRock不能保证您从本网站下载的任何文件或其他数据不存在各种病毒、恶意软件、特洛伊木马、蠕虫、恶意广告、间谍软件、犯罪软件、在线涂鸦程序、植入程序、rootkit、键盘记录程序、自动程序或其他程序。有害软件程序。序列或程序部分。此外,FusRock不对任何第三方服务提供商或合作伙伴(无论是实体还是网络)负责。 FusRock及其供应商收到或获得的任何口头或书面信息均不会影响本免责声明。 某些法律不允许此类限制,并且上述限制目前可能不适用于您所在的司法管辖区。

Scope of responsibility 责任范围

You expressly understand and agree that FusRock (or FusRock’s employees, supervisors, investors, subsidiaries, agencies, trustees, representatives, suppliers, partners or employees) for any direct damage or any special, direct, indirect, incidental, concurrent or punitive damage No liability for any damage, including but not limited to any damage caused by inability to use, data loss, loss of profit or other intangible loss (even if FusRock has understood the possibility of such damage). The reasons for the damage include the use or inability to use this website, the deletion of this website Except or terminate, unauthorized access or modification of the content or data you transmit, errors or omissions in the content of this website, statements or behaviors of any third party on this website, descriptions, information or services provided or linked by this website, or any other matters related to this website. For any and all complaints related to the use of this website, the cumulative liability of FusRock and its suppliers should never exceed the total amount (if any) or $100.00 (take the comparison between the two) you paid to FusRock for the specific service in the previous year. Small value). In some jurisdictions, such as New Jersey, the above restrictions are not allowed, so the above restrictions do not apply to New Jersey, and therefore may not apply to your jurisdiction.
您明确理解并同意FusRock(或FusRock的员工、主管、投资者、子公司、机构、受托人、代表、供应商、合作伙伴或员工)对任何直接损害或任何特殊、直接、间接、附带、并发或惩罚性损害不承担责任任何损害,包括但不限于因无法使用、数据丢失、利润损失或其他无形损失而造成的任何损害(即使 FusRock 已了解发生此类损害的可能性)。损害的原因包括使用或无法使用本网站、删除本网站或终止、未经授权访问或修改您传输的内容或数据、本网站内容中的错误或遗漏、本网站的声明或行为本网站上的任何第三方、本网站提供或链接的描述、信息或服务,或与本网站有关的任何其他事项。对于与使用本网站相关的任何及所有投诉,FusRock及其供应商的累计责任不得超过您为特定服务向FusRock支付的总金额(如有)或$100.00(两者之间进行比较)前一年。值小)。在某些司法管辖区(例如新泽西州),不允许上述限制,因此上述限制不适用于新泽西州,因此可能不适用于您所在的司法管辖区。


You shall compensate FusRock, defend FusRock and protect FusRock from any claims, costs and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) caused by your violation of relevant terms, actions or negligence when you violate the relevant terms, wrongly use of this website. (Including FusRock’s branch and its staff, employees and agents). For anything you need to compensate, FusRock reserves the right to defend and control independently, and you agree to fully cooperate in the defense of any claim upon reasonable requirements. The aforementioned terms of compensation do not apply to any claims, demands, losses, costs or liabilities caused by FusRock’s own negligence, fraud, intentional injury or intentional violation of the law.
您应赔偿FusRock、为FusRock辩护并保护FusRock免受因您违反相关条款、在您违反相关条款、错误使用本网站时的行为或疏忽而引起的任何索赔、费用和责任(包括合理的律师费)。 (包括FusRock的分支机构及其工作人员、雇员和代理人)。对于您需要赔偿的任何事项,FusRock保留独立抗辩和控制的权利,并且您同意在合理要求下全力配合任何索赔的抗辩。上述赔偿条款不适用于因FusRock自身的过失、欺诈、故意伤害或故意违法而引起的任何索赔、要求、损失、费用或责任。

Disclosure of usage information

When FusRock determines that it is necessary for the following purposes and is really necessary, we may disclose any information we have about you (including your identity), any transmission or communication, and your use of this website or any services you receive on this website: (1) perform legal procedures; (2) carry out any investigation or complaints about your use of this website; (3) enforce the terms of use described herein; (4) respond when someone raises complaints about infringement of the rights of others; (5) protect the rights, property or the personal safety of FusRock’sRock employees, visitors and users of this website, and FusRock’s customers and the public.
当FusRock确定出于以下目的有必要且确实有必要时,我们可能会披露我们掌握的有关您的任何信息(包括您的身份)、任何传输或通信以及您对本网站的使用或您在本网站上收到的任何服务:(一)履行法定程序; (2) 对您使用本网站进行任何调查或投诉; (3) 执行本文所述的使用条款; (四)对侵犯他人权利的投诉进行回应; (5) 保护FusRock’sRock员工、本网站访问者和用户以及FusRock客户和公众的权利、财产或人身安全。

FusRock reserves the right to disclose any information at any time as necessary when we believe that it has implemented applicable laws, regulations, statutory procedures or administrative directives. FusRock may also disclose your information when we deem required or permitted by applicable law, including the exchange of information with other companies and organizations for the purpose of preventing fraud.
当我们认为已执行适用的法律、法规、法定程序或行政指令时,FusRock 保留在必要时随时披露任何信息的权利。 FusRock 还可能在我们认为适用法律要求或允许的情况下披露您的信息,包括出于防止欺诈的目的与其他公司和组织交换信息。


You agree that FusRock, when you determine that you have violated these Terms of Use or other agreements or provisions related to your use of this website, or at the request of not limited to (1) law enforcement or other government agencies; (2) your request to delete your account; (3) this website stops the service or content adjustment, or suspends the implementation or content adjustment of any services provided on this website or provided through this website; (4) due to accidental technical problems or failures, etc., we will terminate your access to this website and/or prevent your access to this website in the future without prior notice.
您同意FusRock,当您确定您违反了本使用条款或与您使用本网站有关的其他协议或规定时,或应不限于(1)执法机构或其他政府机构的要求; (2) 您提出删除账户的请求; (3) 本网站停止服务或内容调整,或暂停本网站提供的或通过本网站提供的任何服务的实施或内容调整; (4) 由于意外的技术问题或故障等,我们将终止您对本网站的访问和/或阻止您今后访问本网站,恕不另行通知。

If this agreement is terminated, the scope of limitation, representation and guarantee, compensation and liability of the content or materials appearing on this website stipulated in these terms of use will continue to be valid. If you are not satisfied with the services provided by this website or by FusRock, your only remedy is to terminate this agreement.

If FusRock takes any legal action against you when you violate these terms of use, FusRock shall have the right to claim compensation from you, and you agree to pay all reasonable attorney’s fees in addition to any mandatory or balanced compensation obtained by FusRock in accordance with the judgment and take this The cost of such measures. You agree that FusRock shall not be liable to you or any third party for the termination of your access to this website.
如果您违反本使用条款,FusRock对您采取任何法律行动,FusRock有权向您要求赔偿,并且您同意除了FusRock按照本协议获得的任何强制性或均衡赔偿外,还支付所有合理的律师费。判断并采取该措施的成本。您同意 FusRock 无需因终止您访问本网站而对您或任何第三方承担责任。

Applicable law 适用法律

Regardless of whether it conflicts with the terms of the law, these terms of use and your use of this website shall be governed by U.S. law and California law; all complaints and legal actions must be referred to the corresponding state court or federal court in Santa Clara, California, USA; and you agree that for any such The personal jurisdiction of the court mentioned herein shall be used in the case of complaints or actions. You give up all defenses against the lack of personal jurisdiction and the place of trial.

Other 其他

FusRock may transfer these terms to any subsidiary or any affiliate at any time, or as part of FusRock’s sale, merger or acquisition or otherwise transfer to another entity. You cannot transfer this agreement. These terms of use constitute the entire agreement between you and FusRock regarding this subject, and these terms apply to all your use of this website. The failure of FusRock to exercise or enforce any of the rights or terms of these terms does not mean the waiver of such rights or terms. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid, both parties still agree that these provisions reflect the wishes of both parties and other provisions of these terms of use remain in full force. Regardless of whether it conflicts with any statute or law (except New Jersey), any complaint or prosecution related to or arising therefrom the use of this website or these terms must be filed within one (1) year after the occurrence of such complaints or grounds for prosecution, otherwise it will never be prohibited.
FusRock 可以随时将这些条款转让给任何子公司或任何关联公司,或者作为 FusRock 出售、合并或收购的一部分,或以其他方式转让给另一个实体。您不能转让本协议。这些使用条款构成您与FusRock之间关于此主题的完整协议,并且这些条款适用于您对本网站的所有使用。 FusRock未能行使或执行这些条款的任何权利或条款并不意味着放弃该等权利或条款。如果本使用条款的任何规定被认定为无效,双方仍同意这些规定反映了双方的意愿,并且本使用条款的其他规定仍然完全有效。无论是否与任何法规或法律相冲突(新泽西州除外),与使用本网站或这些条款相关或由此产生的任何投诉或起诉必须在此类投诉或理由发生后一 (1) 年内提出起诉,否则永远不会被禁止。

The ownership and operation rights of this website belong to FusRock.

This clause was revised by FusRock in January 2021.